The aerial pictures are real without any alteration thanks to Google ..............!Ups! ..............Sorry...... they are
reproductions of my dreams while flying. The other ones are mine from those magical trips more than twenty five years ago,
if I show up in some is because one of you took my camera, Thanks.
Tengo dos páginas que te traerán música que creo va con lo que
vas a ver. Solo abre una a la vez "AQUI" y mantenla abierta en una página atraz. En fikus2003 tienes cuatro controles
y tu tienes que darle al simbolo de "Play" cada vez que una canción se acaba, disfruta. ***NOTA IMPORTANTE***Si no se habren
en una ventana nueva, vuelve atraz y con el dedo derecho escoje "abrir en ventana nueva", no se porque a veces no lo hace
"AQUI" fikus2004
I have two pages that will bring you music that I think goes with what you are about to see. Just click "HERE" and
enjoy. Open one at the time and leave it open in the background. fikus2003 have four controls, you have to hit play yourself
to go to the next song, enjoy. If the links do not open a new window, go back and right click then choose "open in new
"HERE" fikus2004
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Contáctame si quieres a con sugerencias, correcciones o comentarios......Gracias
Contactme if you want at with questions, sugestions or comments ........Thanks
! Origen ............. terekay !